Michael Copeland, climbs to the summit of Kilimanjaro carrying a 30kg fridge on his back
climbing Kilimanjaro with fridge

Meet Michael Copeland, a remarkable adventurer hailing from Stafford, whose passion for pushing boundaries knows no bounds. With a string of impressive feats under his belt, including conquering Snowdon and completing the Three Peaks Challenge in under 24 hours – all while carrying a fridge – Michael’s spirit for adventure and philanthropy knows no limits. However, his latest endeavor transcends mere physical challenges. Embarking on a journey to summit Mount Kilimanjaro, Michael’s mission goes beyond personal achievement. Driven by a deep-seated desire to raise awareness about mental ill health and support the charity Mind, his trek up Kilimanjaro is a testament to his unwavering commitment to making a difference in the world.

Previously, Michael Copeland, who hails from Stafford, has accomplished the feat of climbing Snowdon and finishing the Three Peaks Challenge in less than twenty-four hours while carrying a refrigerator.

His ascent of Kilimanjaro was done for two reasons: first, to bring attention to the issue of mental illness; second, to collect funds for the organization Mind.

According to Mr. Copeland, the refrigerator was a metaphor for the load of mental health challenges that many individuals should carry.

According to what he said, “My message is that you are not weak if you speak up about you mental health.”

According to him, he decided to climb Kilimanjaro since it was one of the tallest mountains that could be scaled without the need of ropes or any other equipment.

When Mr. Copeland left the Army, he began his career as a bodybuilder. He stated that he had been engaging in physical challenges since he was 15 years old as a means of coping with his own mental health issues.

It was during his time in the Army that he declared, “That competitive spirit has never left me.”

“I’ve been the refrigerator man for two years, but I’ve always used physical challenges to overcome my own insecurities,” he continued. “I can speak from personal experience.”

I find that I am able to feel better when I am outside in nature and when I am exercising.

He stated that his current strategy was to take it easy and recuperate after his most recent battle; but, he did not rule out the possibility that there may be another one in the future.

Because I have been pushing myself to my limits ever since I was 15 years old, I believe that it is a component of my personality.

Fridge represents ‘burden’ of mental health

Impressive film demonstrates how Michael ascended the dormant volcano that is 19,340 feet (5,895 meters) in height while carrying a kitchen appliance that weighs 30 kilograms (4.7 lbs) on his back.

Following an arduous seven-day journey, he finally made it to the top of Africa’s tallest peak on Monday (25/3).

I am the first guy in history to climb Kilimanjaro while carrying a refrigerator to signify the load of bad mental health, Michael said to his roaring fans as he reached the famous Uhuru Peak sign. “Day seven and I am the first man in history to climb Kilimanjaro.”


Men afraid to talk mental health

The former member of the Grenadier Guard decided to do the extraordinary task in order to not only earn funds for Mind but also to encourage men to discuss their mental health.

In addition, he mentioned that the refrigerator served as a significant “talking point” that prompted discourse.

‘It’s awkward and heavy on your shoulders’

He stated, “The question that everyone always asks is, ‘Why do you need a refrigerator?'”

“However, the response is consistently the same. It’s not about the refrigerator; it could have been any other appliance that was really inconvenient. In other words, it is a representation of mental wellness.

This is a really unpleasant topic to discuss since it is quite heavy on your shoulders and it is very awkward to talk about.

Therefore, the refrigerator is a means of encouraging individuals to talk about their mental health and to be more open about it.

Struggles with mental health after leaving army

After climbing Snowdon with a refrigerator full of beer, the father of two started his campaign to raise awareness about mental health two years ago. He did this while carrying the refrigerator.

He revealed that he suffered with obsessive-compulsive tendencies and experienced feelings of being “lost” after quitting the military in 2007.

Michael continued by saying, “My message is that you are not weak if you take a stand regarding mental health.”


As one of the tallest mountains that can be climbed without the use of ropes or any other equipment, Kilimanjaro was the peak that I decided to climb.

“The spirit of competition that I gained while serving in the Army has never left me.

To overcome my personal fears, I have always relied on physical difficulties. Although I have been the refrigerator guy for two years, I have always utilized them.

I find that I am able to feel better when I am outside in nature and when I am exercising.


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