Dead bodies piling up as you climb higher Everest towards the peaks are a common sight for climbers but still this does not deter them from their ultimate dream of doing the unusual and conquering the highest mountain on planet earth. Everest trekkers with extensive expertise have reported that certain mountain sections resemble a morgue.


Ms. Tamae Watanabe, who holds the record as the oldest woman to summit Mount Everest, has achieved another remarkable feat by breaking her own record after 10 years at the age of 73. Previously, she summited Everest in 2002 at the age of 63, and her recent ascent marks her sixth summit of peaks over


“Save me,” are the last words spoken by a woman from Toronto who passed away after reaching the peak of Mount Everest, according to a close friend of the patient. During the descent from the peak on Saturday, Shriya Shah-Klorfine, a resident of Toronto, was one of the four people who passed away due to


On Saturday, December 9, 2023, the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) accomplished a stunning and motivational feat by climbing to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, which is the highest point in Africa. This truly remarkable accomplishment was carried out to advance the cause of local domain name registration and promote the utilization of the.TZ domain


She needed to discover her own happiness in order to provide it for her family. At the summit of Kilimanjaro, Ms. Moushmi raised a banner that with the words “Nari Shakti” printed along its edges. At some point in our lives, we all experience a moment that will forever alter the course of our lives.
