The top highest mountains of the world rise above 8k meters above sea level, which is over 26,000 feet, and according to, seems like the competition is stiff as surprisingly, most of them belong to the Himalaya Ranges. The term “giant mountains” is often used to refer to the highest mountains in the world,


Choose climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to usher in the new year as it could prove to be a milestone that you have been yearning for all along.  There are many reasons to welcome the new year on top of the highest mountain in Africa. One reason is that it is one of the Seven Summits and


Hiking Mount Kilimanjaro under a beautiful full moon and the stars is one of the most sought-after adventures on this mountain located in the Northern region of Tanzania. Most climbers use their headlights to navigate summit night on normal occasions, but for those that climb when there is a full moon, the moon’s beautiful light


The largest Chagga settlement in measure of villages and population, according to Hans Meyer’s book, was Machame, which had 8000 residents, when he visited in 1889. Both Marangu and “Moji” (Moshi) had 3000. He said that each family unit resided in a pair or three exceedingly basic thatched cottages that were shaped like beehives and
